Booy O, Robertson P, Moore N, Ward J, Roy H, Adriens T, Shaw R, Van Valkenburg J, Wyn G, Bertolino S et al. (2020) Using sturctured eradication feasibility assessment to prioritize the management of new and emerging invasive alien species in Europe. Global Change Biology
Stewart G, Ward J (2018) Meta-science urgently needed across the environmental nexus: a comment on Berger-Tal et al. Behavioural Ecology
Sanderson R A, Maas J A, Blain A P, Gorton R, Ward J, O'Brien S, Hunter P R, Rushton S P (2017) Spatio-temporal models to determine association between campylobacter cases. International Journal of Epidemiology 47(1);202-216
Ward J, Rushton S, Mill A, Robertson P, Robertson A, Delahay R (2018) Modelling space use in Badgers. Young Modellers In Ecology Annual Meeting, Lund, Sweden, Oral Presentation
Ward J, Rushton S, Mill A, Robertson P, Robertson A, Delahay R (2017) Modelling socialtiy and space use in carnivores. BES Ecology Across Borders Meeting, Ghent, Poster Presentation
Ward J, Smith G, Massei G (2015) Impacts of disease transmission mode on rabies eradication throught the use of canine vaccination and fertility control. BES Annual meeting, Edibnurgh, Oral Presentation
I have developed several workshops that focus on engaging secondary school students with ecology and have participated in the British ecological society's 'Ecological Ambassadors' programme. From foraging carnivores to the uses of ecological models these workshops aim to engage students with some of the potential career paths in ecology.
In addition to this I have also run workshops on the use of graphics for science communication, you can see some examples of these below.